
by Joel Limardo

Software Developer and IT Professional

Chicago, IL

SIP Phone (researching...)

Workadventure Workadventure (researching...)

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Sat, 13 Aug 2022

Perl Synopsis++

The Perl modules I am attracted to for some reason work but then mess up in strange ways. I install them with the highest hopes that everything will work out fine only to have to modify the code in some way. The purpose of my writing here is then not to teach you Perl or to parade the Perl language as being inherently better than anything else but rather to demonstrate when/how this happens and steps that I take to either work around these problems or fix them.

If you are an author and find something on this site misrepresents your module (for example if I am being incredibly stupid about using it or setting it up improperly) you can find my contact information on this site. Your help is actually very welcome.

Currently working on:

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I was looking for something online and ran into a piece that said Perl did not have a REPL. I was a bit surprised about this and almost immediately thought, 'but we have the debugger...'

But the debugger (perl -de0), even on Linux, is not an ideal REPL environment. I figured I would look around online and found some Perlmonks stuff about Term::Readline::Gnu but I got to thinking, ' have to install a module to do this?'

perl -e 'while(<>){exit if m/^quit$/; print eval($_) . qq~\n~}'

I really just want to do something like that. Read in a line, execute it, probably store the line so I can go back and look at it, and keep on going. The previous one liner is quirky.

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